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Start the new year with a stylish wardrobe

What is WARDROBE STYLING and what does it involve...

Working together, we can sieve through the entire contents of your wardrobe, discarding or altering anything that does not achieve the look you want. My expertise will help you to finally say goodbye to that dowdy fleece you cling on to like a life jacket, opening up the possibility for your exciting new wardrobe that will help you to reach your full style potential.

A typical consultation will usually involve some or all of the following, depending on goals and priorities:

· A questionnaire and style preparation assignment, focusing on your current image and styling preferences

· Assessing your wardrobe, evaluating what works and does not work, as well as any items that may need to be added to a priority shopping list

· A discussion and demonstration about the items and looks that would best suit you

· Pinning and preparing any items that may benefit from alterations

· Focusing on you and your lifestyle, as well as any requirements you may have

· Discussing your shopping habits, showing you what works and why

· Organising your wardrobe and recommending items that may help, such as boxes or hangers

After clearing the clutter, the next step would be to arrange a personal shopping session, leaving you with a wardrobe of clothes that will ensure you look fantastic, no matter what you choose!


Get in touch NOW!

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